Monday, November 22, 2010

Noble Puppy

"Why, a dog, whenever he sees a stranger, is angry; when an acquaintance, he welcomes him, although the one has never done him any harm, nor the other any good. Did this never strike you as curious?" Plato's _Republic._

Plato had apparently never met a Golden Retriever. :-)

Stella moved in on Friday and met cats for the first time. She was very respectful and to my surprise (and relief), they were ok with her. Our first evening was a quiet one at home without the kids and Stella spent it sitting under my chair or laying on the floor right next to me. She happily went outside to pee and came back in to stay as close to me as possible.

She slept that night after a short period of whining. It helped that she was exhausted. I got up in the night to take her outside and as I carried her to the yard her tail thumped against my robe.

I would say that the weekend was a success and I feel a rhythm to things already and that pleases me. We raked leaves yesterday and she took great pleasure in crashing through the leaves and thought that I was great fun.

Her new schedule starts today which includes being in her crate during the day when I am at work and the kids are at school. Stella came from a woman who bred her beloved dog Betsy. Betsy had eight puppies and they were each just a cute as Stella. I met Betsy twice - once when I picked Stella out and once later when I went back to get her. My first meeting of her was when I rang the doorbell and she came to the door with her owner by her side. She was curious and friendly, but completely relaxed. That's the dog I want, I thought. The crowd of puppies that met me later in the house did not behave like their mother. They climbed on my feet and jumped over each other. I worried about taking Stella from her mother and her seven brothers and sisters, but Betsy was fine when we took her puppy with us, and Stella has been fine at our house, which makes me wonder what she remembers. "She's already forgotten her mother and brothers and sisters," my friend observed. I don't know anything about dog memory. I do think that she had enough distractions this weekend and that she will miss her family today after I leave her. Or she'll just sleep. (I am taking short days this week and of course have the Thanksgiving weekend, so it should be a good transition.)

"Guess who can go up the steps?" Mary announced last night. A very pleased Stella stood at her feet wagging her tail.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah, it took 2 minutes. I just walked up and down the stairs holding a treat," Mary explained.

Dogs train easily and adapt easily. It's why we make them pets. They are guardians. And in my head I picture Stella's Mother, the kind, peaceful guardian of the house and it's what helps me get through the midnight potty trips to the yard. Well, that and the tail wags.