Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What are you reading? - book review

('Cause I want a place to keep track.)

The Art of Fielding was described to me as Franzen-like. It is. I loved the dialogue and characters. A beautiful book about people and baseball.

Swamplandia is about a family living in the Everglades. This definitely went in directions I did not expect. Some adult issues, or I would suggest it for precocious middle school girls.

The Tiger's Wife is about Balkan history, which helps it make more sense to me than it did when I was reading it and didn't know that. I am not usually de-railed by fable and allegory, but this book irritated me with its vagueness. For the record, I am ok with _The Jungle Book_ being The Bible.



Anonymous Genelle said...

I read a lot of children's books, out loud, dramatically. I lost my voice reading a story about dinosaurs last night. All that roaring.
I've also read some short stories by Willa Cather recently, because I picked up a pick at a church rummage sale. I read a couple Ann Patchett books that I enjoyed - one about people in Boston, another about the Amazon. I tried reading a The Children's Book by AS Byatt and I found the first half interesting.

You might find this interesting?

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm finishing up a novel by Richard Castle (yep, from the TV show). And started a second about lost gold from the Crusades.-Captain

7:30 AM  

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