Sunday, June 29, 2008

No Worries

Frank left for four nights of camping with his Boy Scout Den this morning. I put a pair of underwear, a pair of socks and a clean t-shirt in four different gallon zip lock bags to make sure he had dry clothes and we put his dining ware on strings that hooked on his pack. ("You think of everything, Mom.") He will be gone for four nights camping in a tent away from his parents and grandpa. He is at a remote camp site with no storm shelter. He seems unphased by those things. He is most worried that he will not get enough to eat. We packed snacks in ziploc bags. Nuts, dried fruit and cheese crackers. He had me kiss him before we got to camp so I didn't hug and kiss him in front of his friends. When we got to camp, his pack which he had dragged to the car, was suddenly weightless. He bounded over to his friends with his pack on - water bottle and pocket knife and dining ware swinging behind him.

Mary leaves for four nights of 4-H camp. They have a cabin with a storm shelter at the lodge. She is worried that they are going to make her wear a life jacket in the canoe. "They better!" I said. "Mooooom!" she said.

"So Frank is at Boy Scout Camp and Mary is at 4-H camp and Bill's kids are with their mom? Does that make me an only child?" Anna asked.

"Well, for four days it does, I guess," I said.

"Whoohoo!" she said.

No worries there.


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