Thursday, January 07, 2010

Happiness is a Warm Pie

On today, the Second Snow Day, we hauled the Christmas tree out of the dining room. I emailed my office and canceled appointments. The kids and I hauled the garbage bags of moldy things from the basement storage space (the mold I discovered when I got the Christmas decorations out) to the alley. We had marching bands, ski jumping and tight rope walking in the living room. (We got a Wii Fit for Christmas. The trash hauling is not yet a balance board activity.).

On tonight, the Second Snow Night, the kids repeatedly checked the LPS website for a Friday cancellation, and my nerves frayed.

I can't tell you what it is about them exactly. They have actually been model children. Kind of helpful. No real fights. Part of it is no doubt my own cabin fever that has no outlet but for Wii Fit Kung Fu (which is actually really fun). But the voices are elevated - the shrieking and chasing and the giggling are making me nuts.

LPS ends its semester in January. Each of the kids has a big project that was due this week. They've been on the phone with their project partners. There has actually been much sighing and concern expressed about how all of this is going to work with all these snow days. More on Anna's mind is that it's the Nebraska Thespian Convention tomorrow. Anna, the child happiest about staying home from school, was anxious for school to stay open Friday so that I could call her in as excused, so she could go to her convention.

The kids know the drill at this point. By 7pm they are poised, waiting for the phone to ring and the automated LPS Voice to tell me that due to weather conditions that school is canceled. The Drama Queen was distraught when The Call came, but there were squeals soon after when she confirmed that yes, the convention will go on, and most importantly, she will get to deliver her monologue in the competition.

The kids piled into bed with me to watch "Mad Men." It's probably not child appropriate, but it's what I wanted/needed to watch on this night before the Third Snow Day, and the kids wanted to hang out with me. "There's no naked people, are there?" Frank asked with concern. "No. No deliberately naked people," I assured him.

The timer went off and I pulled the apple pie from the oven. We ate warm pie snuggled beneath afghans.

Tomorrow is the Third Snow Day.


Blogger Viewtiful_Justin said...

It all sounds lovely! I mean...apart from the frayed nerves and the shrieking.

I want a snow day. The boy braved snow on his hour commute yesterday and then today when it's clear he stayed home sick. *scratches head* I don't get it.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Jodi Anderson said...

I'm just going to absorb the warmth that I felt when I read the last few paragraphs. And, also, not let myself get anxious for "Mad Men" to return.

Why can't we have a counterpart series to run in its absence, like, oh say, "Angry Women"?! :D

7:33 AM  
Anonymous B THOMAS said...

what's an alley? haha

6:56 AM  
Blogger jtbirdwatcher said...

Who's been flushing ice cubes down the toilet?

6:42 PM  

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