Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dino Car

The scouts race by den and then the winners of the dens race each other for the pack winners that go on to the council race. Last year we qualified for the council race and I was concerned that Frank's expectations were that high again.

Frank and his den lined the side of the track when it was their turn to race. I sat in a chair across from him. His car was doing well in its heats and then another car crossed the lane and smashed into his car on the decline and they both fell off the track and fell to the floor. As the pit crew, I rushed to help him assess the damage. The soft pine wood was damaged in the groove which functions as the axel. I knew that the race was over for his car. We did our best to put the wheel back in, but the car did not race the same way after the accident.

I knew that his car hadn't made finals and I watched Frank's expectant face as they announced the finalists. He was surprised. I saw him exclaim, "Darn!" and then he immediately wished good luck to his friends who qualified.

I was ready to tell him that I was sorry that his car lost and that we would try again and win next year. I didn't need to say anything.

"Corbyn's dad taped that crash! That crash was AWESOME!"

He went home with his broken car and announced to his sisters that he had lost but that it was just because of the car crash and he demonstrated the free fall of his car by twisting the car over and over in the air and then falling and rolling to the floor himself to demonstrate the impact. He put the car on top of his dresser next to last year's winning car and trophy.

"Next year, mom, I want my car to be three colors. That would be so awesome!"

"Yes it would," I assured him.


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