All Hallows Eve
The Pumkins were carved last night. Costumes were finalized - Pirate Mom, Firefighter Sadie, Disco Queen Anna, Cowgirl Mary and Mechanic Frank. We will walk miles in the cold for mini Snicker bars, we will come home to cider and pumpkin bars, and we will go to bed.
And November 1st means that it's Novel Writing Time.
Ok, so this woman leaves her home in the city and moves back to the family ranch with her two kids and tries to live with her brother and his family and her mother in her childhood home.
It sounds better in my head. We'll see how it goes on paper.
Did you know that you can buy brie and hummus in the grocery store in Valentine, Nebraska now? But that men still don't ever, ever, ever wear shorts or sandals? So there will be a branding, vegetarian teenagers will live in the Nebraska Sand Hills, there will be an election, and the school will consolidate. And? Cowboys who play basketball wear shorts. It's true.
If I can't think of something to write, then the vegetarian teenager will get called to dinner. Boom. Instant conflict. Dialogue is my friend.
This year it's called One Lane Road. It's a real road. And a real town. Some of y'all might recall the town my story is set in. :-) The characters are fictional though. I write literary fiction which separates me from all the fantasy and science fiction and fan fic that makes up Nanowrimo these days. I am in the minority at write ins and such. At the pre-November gathering when we were sharing our titles and I shared that the title referred to the road that goes into the town and that it was also a metaphor for my character's personal journey, there were some raised eyebrows. So yeah. I am elitist since I write novels for a hobby and I am an elitist among novel writers since I think my writing has some greater meaning then just the words on the page.
Whatever. I remind myself that I am not so special. I come from a place that you reach by driving down a one lane road. For real. The way to get out of town is to take the exact same road you took to get there in the first place. It is physical and it is metaphorical. Hopefully it's a novel.
And November 1st means that it's Novel Writing Time.
Ok, so this woman leaves her home in the city and moves back to the family ranch with her two kids and tries to live with her brother and his family and her mother in her childhood home.
It sounds better in my head. We'll see how it goes on paper.
Did you know that you can buy brie and hummus in the grocery store in Valentine, Nebraska now? But that men still don't ever, ever, ever wear shorts or sandals? So there will be a branding, vegetarian teenagers will live in the Nebraska Sand Hills, there will be an election, and the school will consolidate. And? Cowboys who play basketball wear shorts. It's true.
If I can't think of something to write, then the vegetarian teenager will get called to dinner. Boom. Instant conflict. Dialogue is my friend.
This year it's called One Lane Road. It's a real road. And a real town. Some of y'all might recall the town my story is set in. :-) The characters are fictional though. I write literary fiction which separates me from all the fantasy and science fiction and fan fic that makes up Nanowrimo these days. I am in the minority at write ins and such. At the pre-November gathering when we were sharing our titles and I shared that the title referred to the road that goes into the town and that it was also a metaphor for my character's personal journey, there were some raised eyebrows. So yeah. I am elitist since I write novels for a hobby and I am an elitist among novel writers since I think my writing has some greater meaning then just the words on the page.
Whatever. I remind myself that I am not so special. I come from a place that you reach by driving down a one lane road. For real. The way to get out of town is to take the exact same road you took to get there in the first place. It is physical and it is metaphorical. Hopefully it's a novel.
Remember that you voluntarily pull off the road (2 wheels on and 2 wheels off)to make way for an oncoming car. How does the meatphor in that situation apply to the vegetarian daughter and the family dinner table? :)
When you wrwite about what you know ( Thelma), you write passionately. (: Grams
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