Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tomato Blessings and Radish Teachings - book review

It's a joke in my family that reading cookbooks is an eating disorder. This cookbook is part essay collection and part recipe book, so you really can read it.

The author is the Tassajara Bread Book author, which reminds me of my mom's fragrant whole wheat bread rising on the counter on a weekend afternoon. The recipes in this book are for meals and highlight different aspects of cooking or eating which he writes about.

As a mom I often feel unappreciated when I clean and cook. I appreciated the calm approach to cooking described in this book. When it's time to wash the rice, wash the rice. When it's time to cut the carrots, cut the carrots. Find happiness and peace in meal preparation and offer it with your whole heart.



Anonymous Genelle Bayer said...

I have always liked Ed Brown's cookbooks -- I cooked a lot out of the Tassajara Cookbook in college and really really loved a recipe for chickpea stew that has rutabaga in it but the best part was the mushrooms cooked in wine. i see there is a new cookbook called the complete tassajara cookbook and there is also a documentary about Mr. Brown. hope your recovery is going well.

9:31 AM  

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