Monday, June 22, 2009

Hip Hop Mom

The kids spent two weeks with Eric, and while I saw them during that time for baseball games, or ice cream or stopping by with a pie, they have not been to our house in two weeks. The first thing they noticed were the new stairs in front, and the flowers that bloomed in the back, and the rearranging I did in my bedroom. And the other thing that they noticed was my new obsession with a group called "Girl Talk." It's hip hop mashed with classic rock.

"When did you become a rap fan?" Mary asked with an amused look on her face.

"I can't believe that my mom listens to Lil Wayne!" Anna moaned.

"Well, it's Lil Wayne mashed up with Sinead O'Connor!" I tried to explain.

No one in my life gets why I need to listen to this stuff at full blast. My kids think I am too old and roll their eyes. It gives my husband a headache. The mash ups are genius - "Biggie" rapping over Elton John's "Tiny Dancer." The beat is a steady 4/4 that is the mother's heart beat of a child of rock and roll.

So yeah, in two weeks I became a mash up up fan.


Blogger Viewtiful_Justin said...

Hm. I love a good mash up! I may have to check that out.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Lori "The Soil Whisperer" Guenter said...

Girl Talk, huh? Hmmmm...

5:19 AM  

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