Thursday, July 23, 2009

Food Snob

If you have ever eaten out with me, you may think that I hate tomatoes. I always order "without tomato." Salad, sandwich, taco, whatever. If that tomato isn't cooked? I don't want it. (Salsa, ketchup, marinara and canned tomatoes? I am fine with them. They are what they say they are. NOT A TOMATO.)

But really? It would be hard for me to name a food that I love more than tomatoes. The problem is that the mealy, tasteless goo that calls itself a "tomato" does NOT taste like the "tomatoes" that I love.

A tomato grows in my yard or someone else's yard. It can grow on a farm, but it better not be refrigerated AT ANY POINT or it becomes a Not-Tomato.

Cheese, wine, really everything that food snobs generally rail on is generally accepted in our society. We call Velveeta "cheese" (and I will admit here that I always go for the Velveeta dip at a pot luck - just need a bit of that Velveeta goo and I am good), but everyone knows that it's Not Cheese. I just want the same respect for the humble tomato. It's not so hard to just give them a season, is it? Should I eat a piece of mealy nastiness on my club sandwich in February? No. And I am ok with that. Wait for July. Sheesh. Learn some patience and some TASTE.

I want a beautiful, firm and juicy WARM tomato. I want people to refuse to refrigerate tomatoes. It is a crime against nature to refrigerate them. I am serious.

All right. The lecture is over. I have tomatoes to eat.


Anonymous Jodi Anderson said...

I have never, in my life, put a tomato in the fridge. Do people really do that?!

On top of your head is a MUCH better location. Plus, it makes you walk like a lady. ;)

9:39 AM  
Blogger Viewtiful_Justin said...

That previous comment is hysterical.

And...I totally agree with you!!!

Ick and ick and ick again. There is NOTHING IN THE WORLD like a fresh garden tomato. Robb's dad grows them, and when he offers them to Robb, he always turns them down because he doesn't like tomatoes. And it makes me want to whack him.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Lori "The Soil Whisperer" Guenter said...

Hear! Hear! That's it! You've convinced me. No more refrigerator tomatoes. No more grocery store tomatoes out of season...I can't help it. The little organic grape tomatoes call to me in the night. It's a sickness.

What sort of tomatoes are you growing? They look wonderful.

6:28 PM  

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