Friday, March 14, 2008

Puppy Dog Tales

This morning while I was putting up my hair and putting on makeup, Frank wandered into the bathroom.
"Mom, how do you think Satchel Paige figured out his pitch?"

"What?" I asked. I was a bit disoriented and it seemed like an odd conversation to have at 7am.

"You know, with his leg up, so the ball could go super fast? How did he figure that out, I wonder?"

"I don't know, Frank."

When I went by his room a few minutes later he was pinning the Satchel Paige picture to his bulletin board and studying it, presumably to "figure out" his pitch.
When I study this picture of Satchel Paige I wonder more about what he would think about baseball today and what he would think about his picture on a kid's bulletin board in Nebraska. I like Satchel's face. He looks amused with life and as if he is enjoying himself. Not a bad role model - a good athlete and a good humor.


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