Food Snob
If you have ever eaten out with me, you may think that I hate tomatoes. I always order "without tomato." Salad, sandwich, taco, whatever. If that tomato isn't cooked? I don't want it. (Salsa, ketchup, marinara and canned tomatoes? I am fine with them. They are what they say they are. NOT A TOMATO.)
But really? It would be hard for me to name a food that I love more than tomatoes. The problem is that the mealy, tasteless goo that calls itself a "tomato" does NOT taste like the "tomatoes" that I love.
A tomato grows in my yard or someone else's yard. It can grow on a farm, but it better not be refrigerated AT ANY POINT or it becomes a Not-Tomato.
Cheese, wine, really everything that food snobs generally rail on is generally accepted in our society. We call Velveeta "cheese" (and I will admit here that I always go for the Velveeta dip at a pot luck - just need a bit of that Velveeta goo and I am good), but everyone knows that it's Not Cheese. I just want the same respect for the humble tomato. It's not so hard to just give them a season, is it? Should I eat a piece of mealy nastiness on my club sandwich in February? No. And I am ok with that. Wait for July. Sheesh. Learn some patience and some TASTE.
I want a beautiful, firm and juicy WARM tomato. I want people to refuse to refrigerate tomatoes. It is a crime against nature to refrigerate them. I am serious.
All right. The lecture is over. I have tomatoes to eat.